Effect: the round explodes when it hits the ground, killing any nearby ground
troops. Stationary defenses are unaffected. Explosion area is small.
HHE (Heavy High Explosive) Ammo:
Costs 3000 to upgrade the Mortar to fire HHE ammo.
Cost per round: 4
Effect: As HE ammo, but the explosion area is somewhat larger.
Aimed Guidance:
Cost: 375
Effect: provides a yellow target crosshair along the ground. A fired mortar round will
impact at the location of the crosshair, improving accuracy.
Heat-Seeking Guidance:
Cost: 3000
Effect: provides a target designation box. If the target aim point is placed over a valid target, the box turns red and a warbling tone sounds, indicating the system has locked-onto the target. A round fired will track the designated target even if it moves, allowing the gun to move on to other targets.
Costs 3000 to upgrade Missile Launcher to fire FAE ammo.
Cost per round: 8
Effect: same as FAE ammunition for Flak Gun.
Hypersonic Missiles:
Costs 24000 to upgrade Missile Launcher to fire Hypersonic missiles.
Cost per round: 16
Effect: high-velocity FAE missiles explode on reaching their target
point with devastating effect.
Aimed Guidance:
Cost: 0
Effect: same as Aimed guidance for the Standard Gun.
Heat-Seeking Guidance:
Cost: 3000
Effect: provides a target designator box. When around an infra-red
target, the box turns red and a warbling tone sounds, indicating the
missile has locked-onto the target. The missile will follow the target using pure pursuit and explode when it reaches the target. If no target is designated, functions like Aimed guidance.
Radar Guidance
Cost: 24000
Effect: provides a target designator box. When around a target, the
box turns red and a buzzing tone sounds, indicating the missile has
locked-onto the target. The missile will follow the target using lead pursuit and explode when it reaches the target. If no target is designated, functions like Aimed Guidance.